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La stampa 3D usata per stampare strumentario chirurgico paziente-specifico

Surgeons tend to be on the cutting edge all around, pun intended. With lives held in their very hands as they perform procedures from the most routine to those that have never been attempted, doctors are usually given every tool possible to see that they are successful. And in the past few years, 3D printing has been increasingly showing itself as a new technology that is not only there to stay within the medical field, its ongoing innovations continue to demonstrate a fast-paced evolution as well as branching out into numerous areas. From 3D printed medical devices like implants to 3D printed medical modelsused for everything from training to guides in the operating room, miracles are being reported—and there are a lot of happy patients around the world experiencing a new level of quality in their lives.

3D printed surgical instruments are on the rise today as well, but so far we’ve only seen sporadic innovations, and even one instance where...continue to reading on

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